Management Team

Benny Lee
Founder & Chairman
Benny LEE is the founder and Chairman of Value Exchange International. Benny is highly respected for his leadership skills and acclaimed for his vision and expertise in transforming and reinventing companies for sustainable and profitable growth.
Benny LEE是Value Exchange International的創始人兼董事長。 Benny的領導才能備受尊敬,他在轉型和重塑公司以實現可持續和可盈利增長方面的遠見卓識和專業知識廣受讚譽。

Kenneth Tan
CEO, Hong Kong & Macau
Kenneth TAN is Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong & Macau. In his role, Kenneth is responsible for Sales, Industry Solutions Management, Business and Product Development, Services and Supply Chain Operations as well as Profit & Loss in Hong Kong & Macau.
Kenneth Tan是香港和澳門的首席執行官。 Kenneth負責銷售,行業解決方案管理,業務和產品開發,服務和供應鏈運營以及香港和澳門的盈虧。

Channing AU
Group CFO
Channing AU is the Group Chief Financial Officer of VEI. He reports directly to the Chairman.
Channing AU是VEI集團的首席財務官。 他直接向主席匯報。
Marco KAO
CEO, the People Republic of China & Director of Services
Marco KAO is CEO in the PRC and Group Director of Services. He carries the overall Profit & Loss responsibility for VEI operation in the PRC, Marco also heads the Group Service team, which comprises of more than 160 service professionals serving customers on a 24x7x365 basis in the Greater China and Asia Pacific regions. Marco KAO is responsible for all of VEI's region wide support services including its outsourced and managed service offerings as well as service delivery and service enablement across VEI's target industries and markets.
Marco KAO是中國區首席執行官兼服務集團總監。 他負責在中國的VEI運營,全面負責損益,他還領導集團服務團隊,該團隊由160多名服務專業人員組成,以24x7x365全天候服務於大中華地區和亞太地區的客戶。 Marco KAO負責VEI在整個地區範圍內的所有支持服務,包括其外包和託管服務產品,以及整個VEI目標行業和市場的服務交付和服務支持。