
Public Sector
Public sectors include public goods and governmental services such as the military, law enforcement, infrastructure (public roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, telecommunications, etc.), public transit, public education, along with health care and those working for the government itself, such as elected officials.
公共部門包括公共產品和政府服務,例如軍事,執法,基礎設施(公共道路,橋樑,隧道,供水,下水道,電網,電信等),公共交通,公共教育以及醫療保健和 為政府本身工作的人,例如民選官員。

Retail refers to the activity of selling goods or services directly to consumers or end-users. Some retailers may sell to business customers, and such sales are termed non-retail activity. In some jurisdictions or regions, legal definitions of retail specify that at least 80 percent of sales activity must be to end-users.
零售是指直接向消費者或最終用戶銷售商品或服務的活動。 一些零售商可能會出售給商業客戶,這種銷售稱為非零售活動。 在某些轄區或地區,零售的法律定義規定至少80%的銷售活動必須針對最終用戶。